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Dough and Butter Presses

Automatically Press Dough Or Butter With Bakery Dough Presses

Bakery dough presses are designed for flattening dough sheets to achieve quick and consistent results. The bakery staff appreciates what it takes to process the dough. Mixing the right amount of dough and flour, kneading the mixture gently, making dough rolls, and rolling out sheets require skilled labor, care, and time. Professional dough preparation equipment for each task saves money and time, maintains consistency, and prevents waste. Evenly-sized and textured dough sheets are crucial to cooking delectable pastries. Dough press machines achieve this result automatically without causing any mess.

Why You Should Use Bakery Dough Presses

Bakery dough presses flatten the dough, butter, or other similar products to be used as a crust for dishes like a pizza pie. The fast-growing demand for pizzas and pastries presses operators to speed up their food prep tasks. Commercial dough/butter presses help them flatten their dough at desired thickness for their tortilla, pizza, or other similar recipes. Here are more reasons for purchasing a dough press machine.

  • Hand-tossing is a culinary show but cannot compare to dough press machines' shape and thickness consistency.
  • You can improve order times and productivity by delivering more dough sheets. For instance, Univex Semi-Automatic Butter/Dough Press can accommodate blocks of butter or dough and presses it into a whole sheet in seconds.
  • Manual dough rolling can create a mess with flour spreading across your counter or dough pieces sticking on your hands and rolling pins. A bakery dough machine requires no hassle, causes no mess, and minimizes waste.
  • Dough press machines enable you to create artisanal pizzas or pastries in various sizes and thicknesses. They have simple controls to adjust press time and strength. 
  • Dough presses are more versatile than standard pizza presses or other dough sheeters. You can flatten dough and butter for your cookies, tortillas, dumplings, or more specialty products.

What Type Of Bakery Dough Press Do You Need

The market is filled with many dough presses, each offering different features. Most bakery dough presses have a clamshell design with an upper and lower platen. However, the operation can be manual, semi, or fully automatic. Manual presses will require human power and slow down the process. Fully-automatic models may be more suitable for industrial applications. Semi-automatic units suffice to meet the medium to high production demands of many pizzerias, bakeries, and restaurants.

For example, Univex BDPG Bakery Dough Press offers functionality and customization with easy-to-use programmable controls. It has a bottomed platen lowered into a sink. Put a piece of dough or butter on it. It is advisable to use some non-stick paper on the grids. Press the top lid and set the controls. You can adjust how long the press will dwell. The press cycle will start and continue for the preset time. The finished product inside the well will rise when you open the top lid. Your flattened dough or butter is ready for further processing.