Master Bilt Quick Ship Walk-In Box Only
- Unlimited lengths in 1' increments
- Available in widths of 6', 7', 8', 9',10', 11' and 12'
- Heights: 6'7", 7'7" and 8'7" withfloor, 7'4" and 8'4" floorlessfor single compartment andcombinations
- Heights: 7'7" and 8'7" combinationwith floor freezers and less floorcoolers with 4-3/8" foam sealers
- 26 gauge corrosion resistant stuccoembossed coated steel on allsurfaces except interior floor
- Smooth aluminum interior floor(models with floor)
- NSF, UL flame spread 25 or less for allfoam cores on all panels; UL and CSAelectrical listing on door sections
- UL and C-UL electrical listing onrefrigeration systems
- 15 year panel warranty
- 18 months parts and labor warranty

- Quick Ship Remote walk-ins are built of modular panels, andare insulated with foamed-in-place EPA- compliant polyurethane insulation. Each panel is designed to ensure ease of installation, long term reliability and high insulating efficiency.
- The foamed-in-place cam locking fasteners ensure anairtight seal for maximum energy efficiency.
- Quick Ship panel gaskets around the outer perimeter ofthe panel are continuous, without cuts or breaks at corners.The patented gasket design provides a foamed-in-placegasket as an integral part of the panel. Gaskets cannot falloff or pull off during shipment or installation.
- Insulation panels to be four (4) inches thick, metal clad and foamedin-place with EPA- compliant polyurethane insulation.
- Panel Finishes: Interior and exterior complete to be 26gauge corrosion resistant stucco embossed coated steel.Models supplied with a floor will include a smoothaluminum interior floor surface.
Each Quick Ship Remote walk-in compartment is equippedwith a 26", 30" or 36" wide door opening. The height of thedoor opening varies with the series of Quick Ship walk-inordered. The 45 Series has a 59" high door, the StandardSeries (6'7" high) has a 66" high door opening and the 74and 77 Series Quick Ship walk-ins have a 78" high dooropening. The door is self-closing, flush mounted, infittingand constructed to incorporate heavy duty, molded ABSbreaker which is permanently foamed-in-place.The door section is completely pre-wired within concealedconduit inside the door frame panel. 120/60/1 electricalis field wired to a junction box which is surface mountedon the interior frame above the LED light fixture. Doorsections are 4" thick, metal clad and foamed-in-place withEPA- compliant polyurethane insulation.