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Why Your Commercial Kitchen Need a Backup Generator

Why Your Commercial Kitchen Needs a Backup Generator

Whether large or small, all types of foodservice businesses need a backup generator because a backup generator ensures uninterrupted power, preserves perishables, maintains service consistency, and avoids financial losses during unexpected outages in commercial kitchens.

Power outage is an unwanted issue for everyone, but it can be worse for commercial kitchens and restaurants, leading to various problems and dangers. No matter how high technology is in your equipment and kitchen, they still need electricity to operate, which makes outages a serious concern and a backup generator necessary. Installing a backup generator may decrease losses and accelerate recovery after a power outage.

How Does a Backup Generator Work?

A backup generator is designed to provide energy for your business and commercial equipment during an outage. Like all generators, a backup generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy, usually using gas. You can choose the equipment you want to power, such as freezers, refrigerators, cash registers, cooking equipment, and air conditioning, or the entire building, depending on the size and wattage capacity of the backup generator.

6 Benefits of a Backup Generator

In the dynamic world of the foodservice industry, being prepared for unexpected disruptions is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity. Ensuring uninterrupted operations and safeguarding against unforeseen challenges distinguish between a successful business day and a disastrous one. One such key preparation measure is the investment in a backup generator.

Beyond merely keeping the lights on, a backup generator offers 6 benefits: Preventing food spoilage, improving security, providing a better customer experience, improving customer reputation, comforting community, and, of course, cost-benefit that can transform potential chaos into a seamless continuation of service. Although these benefits are intertwined points that trigger each other, we have discussed them separately.

1. Preventing Food Spoilage

Power outages cause many issues; food safety is essential in commercial kitchens. While generally, the food in freezers and refrigerators might remain safe for approximately four hours after an outage if the doors are kept closed, this duration can vary. When the food warms, bacteria growth will occur and make the food dangerous to consume, resulting in food waste. It’s important to note that the specific type of food, the initial temperature, and the quality of the refrigeration equipment can influence how long food remains safe.

Always monitor food temperatures and consult food safety guidelines to prevent health risks. With backup generators, you will have the essential equipment running in case of an outage, ensuring uninterrupted operation and food safety.

2. Improved security

One of the essential parts of a food service business is ensuring the security of the customers, staff, and resources. When a blackout occurs, security cameras and alarms will not operate, creating an opportunity for criminals. An outage can also cause injuries to the staff and customers when the lights go off, increasing the possibility of accidents in the kitchen and while serving food.

A backup generator prevents theft or possible employee accidents. Also, it avoids the risks of a voltage shift caused by an outage, which can cause shocks or even fires, ensuring the full safety of the business.

3. Better Customer Experience

One of the issues power outages cause is the bad customer experience. You can not use the equipment without electricity, meaning you can’t cook any food or use lighting, heating, and cooling systems, interrupting the operation and service and leaving an unpleasing experience to customers.

Every minute after the outage means losing customers and money. The customers inside will surely leave after the power outage, and new customers will not be able to be served until the electricity is back on. With a backup generator, you will ensure flawless operation and service; even the customers will not be aware of the outage and enjoy their experience.

4. Improved Restaurant Reputation

A sudden outage can affect the customers’ eating experience and drive them away. Even during a blackout, providing a safe and flawless operation and service will make the customers feel safe and improve the restaurant’s reputation. A backup generator keeps the operation running without a pause, making your restaurant acquire a good reputation and customer trust. It will show the customers your care for them and your business, leaving a good impact and providing patrons.

5. Comforted Community

Consider a busy Friday evening in a popular city restaurant. The reservations are fully booked, the kitchen is bustling, and suddenly there’s a blackout. Without a backup generator, the restaurant faces immediate losses from unserved tables and potential long-term damage to its reputation.

In another scenario, a catering company preparing for a large wedding lost power the night before the event. Hundreds of meals were compromised without a backup generator, resulting in a substantial financial hit and a disappointed client. Such real-life situations emphasize the importance of being prepared with a reliable backup power source.

Additionally, when power outages happen in the neighborhood, a backup generator in your restaurant can provide residents with a safe place and food during a blackout, especially on cold days. Generators with automated transfer switches turn on in seconds during an outage, providing quick relief. It will draw people in search of warmth, light, and comfort. It may also bring extra revenue by people buying food while waiting for the power to return.

6. Evaluating the Cost-Benefit of Backup Generators

Upon initial consideration, some may view the installation of a backup generator as an added expense. However, the financial argument becomes clear when weighing the potential losses from a single power outage. Consider the lost revenue from unserved customers, the cost of wasted food due to spoilage, and the potential long-term impact on a business’s reputation. When viewed in this light, the investment in a backup generator can easily be justified as it offers immediate financial protection and peace of mind.

A mobile diesel backup generator for emergency electric pow

Backup Generator Maintenance and Ease of Installation

Modern generators are designed for ease of installation and long-term reliability. Typically, professional installation ensures the generator is correctly sized for your business needs and properly integrated into your facility’s electrical system. Once installed, equipment regular maintenance is straightforward and can often be conducted by your usual maintenance professionals. By ensuring routine checks and upkeep, you invest in a machine and ensure your foodservice business’s continuous, smooth operation during unforeseen outages.

What Can Cause A Power Outage?

Power outages may seem rare, but according to databases, every year, over 3000 outages occur, each lasting an average of 49 minutes, which can threaten a food service business in many aspects, from food safety to customer experience and revenue. Here are some of the main reasons that can cause power outages.

  • Flooding
  • Strong winds
  • Excavation digging
  • Technological problems
  • Earthquakes
  • Human error
  • Winter weather
A woman is walking by a gasoline backup generator in front of a restaurant.


An electric outage can make your entire business stop if you are unprepared. You can not halt nature but can take precautions such as installing a backup generator. A backup generator will have your back, powering heating, lighting, safety systems, and whichever equipment you want, keeping the service running flawlessly. It will eliminate unwanted downtime, save money by preventing food spoils because of unworking equipment, and improve your business reputation by providing a better customer experience.

Ş.Kaya, with a robust foundation in Western Languages and Literature, has been leveraging her expertise in language and communication since graduating with a bachelor's degree in this vibrant field. Her academic background has endowed her with a nuanced understanding of various cultures and languages, skills she has seamlessly transitioned into her professional career. Since 2021, Şebnem has been a key member of the content creation team at Chef's Deal, a company renowned for its comprehensive range of commercial kitchen equipment and services. In her role as an SEO content writer, Şebnem combines her passion for language and culinary arts to craft engaging, informative content. She focuses on the latest trends in commercial kitchen equipment, insights into the foodservice business, and practical tips for those involved in the industry. Her work aims to not only inform but also inspire her audience, reaching professionals seeking to enhance their operations or individuals passionate about culinary innovation. Şebnem's contributions are vital in helping Chef's Deal connect with its audience, providing valuable resources that support the growth and success of culinary professionals. Her ability to translate complex industry knowledge into accessible, compelling content has made her an invaluable asset to the team and a trusted voice for readers navigating the dynamic world of foodservice and commercial kitchen equipment.

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