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Fat percentage measuring kits will facilitate your ground meat packaging process by allowing you to calculate the fat rate in meat products, particularly ground beef. Retailers, including supermarkets, butchers, and meat shops, are required to label their products.
Additionally, you are to comply with the USDA regulations that conclude “… ground beef of hamburger does not contain more than 30% fat.” Therefore, calculating the fat percentage in food and meat is crucial for your business. Hence, it would be wise to obtain a fat percentage measuring kit, also called a fat analyzer, to ensure the ground beef fat percentage is below the level that USDA specifies.
Fat percentage measuring kits are designed and configured to present a comfortable and practical use to accelerate your workflow.
Chef’s Deal is a reliable restaurant supply store with an extensive commercial kitchen equipment inventory. We also carry fat analyzers from Univex to ensure your business is on track and in compliance with the regulations.