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Safety Partitions & Cashier Shields

Safety Partitions & Cashier Shields

Safety partitions and cashier shields have shown their benefits, particularly within the hospitality and restaurant industry during the global COVID-19 pandemic. All foodservice businesses are required to curb the spread of viruses and bacterial diseases through sanitation and cleaning. However, COVID-19 revealed how airborne viruses pose a threat to public health, and face masks and plastic and glass protection for cashiers, foods, and customers have proven their value for the prevention of cross-contamination.

Types of Customer and Cashier Protective Shields

These protective units, which are available primarily in 2 types, are still significant requirements for any foodservice business since seasonal flue is still a danger for restaurants, cafes, and bars.

Safety Partitions

Safety partitions are free-standing protective guards, and you can place them between the tables or booths to obstruct contact among customers. These safety partitions also allow full visibility so as not to avert the light inside.

Cashier Shields

Cash register barriers are simply designed transparent items which are installed on registers to place a protective block between the customers and the cashier. The high construction of these cashier screens prevents the reach of sneezes or droplets that may transmit viruses while enabling the exchange of receipts, cash, and payment through the carved-out hole at the bottom.


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