Piper Products TQM2-N16 Enclosed Tray Transport Carts - Narrow Profile
Why use Piper Products Transport Carts?
These tray transport carts are designed for heavy duty usage. They include a number of features as standard so as to ensure durability and convenient operation. The “L” profile carts accept two trays per level to permit minimizing overall height; whereas the “N” profile carts accept only one tray per level to minimize overall depth.
Piper Products TQM2-N16 Specification
Cabinet & Base
The cabinet is fabricated of heavy guage stainless steel, reinforced with box and channel shapes for extra strength. An all welded stainless steel base frame provides firm support for the cabinet as well as for the casters and assures rigidity for the entire assembly. The rear of the cabinet is vented. The base and top cover extend beyond the cabinet as extra protection. The base is fitted with a full perimeter wrap-around bumper. Interior compartment bottom is easily cleanable with no protrusions or obstructions. Vertical, recessed pull handles are mounted on both ends. A menu-card clip is mounted at one end.
Each bank is fitted with a full length, double pan insulated door. Doors are insulated with one inch thick polystyrene sheet. The doors swing 270° (except the center door on three bank carts, which swings 180°). All doors are equipped with heavy-duty hinges, recessed stainless steel handle, bottommounted door catch and a hold-open device.
Tray Slides
Each compartment is fitted with stainless steel tray slides welded to stainless steel standards, forming removable ladder assemblies, which are securely mounted to minimize noise and vibration. The tray slides have rounded corners and are mounted 4 ¾” on center.
One bank carts are mounted on standard, four 6” diameter, heavy duty, casters with non-marking tires. Two casters are swivel and are equipped with brakes. Two casters are rigid. Two and three bank carts have six 6” casters, four swivel (two with brakes) and two rigid (mounted at center).