Bain Marie Water Heaters: A better way of Keeping the Food Warm
Bain marie water heaters are engineered to present a better way of heating and holding food products above the danger zone, which may otherwise cause spoils and bacterial growth. Commercial bain marie water heaters, which are also called food rethermalizers, utilize hot water to gently and consistently transfer heat to the food products. Additionally, the water is immersed as well to prevent any cold spots.
Features of Bain Marie Water Heaters
- Commercial bain marie food warmers are durably constructed and feature stainless steel body housing to withstand rigorous use in commercial kitchens.
- They are constructed in compact sizes to easily fit undercounter spaces to open up space for you to conduct your daily work.
- Heated bain marie equipment is mostly offered with digital temperature controls that will enable the operator to precisely control the water temperature for various foods.
- Bain marie water heaters are furnished with energy-cut-off to stop warming when the water is overheated.
Benefits of Bain Marie Water Heaters
Bain marie water heaters also bring a versatile use for your business:
- Bain marie food warmers can quickly raise the temperature of vacuum-sealed foods and dishes above 160Ā°F and maintain this temperature for long periods to present a better taste for customers.
- Water bath heaters can be used to rethermalize food; therefore, you can pre-cook in bulk beforehand and store them in a commercial refrigerator.
- The chilled and frozen foods can easily be rethermalized in bain marie water heaters in around 90 minutes.
- These units can also save you money with waste prevention by enabling you to store the leftovers in packages to reheat later.
Chef's Deal presents an exclusive selection of undercounter and countertop bain marie heaters from Hatco, Hubbell, and more. You can also visit for other specialty warmers to increase your food holding and warming capacity for faster service.