Fryer Filter Liquids

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Fryer Liquids Help Keep Fry Oil Fresh

Fryer liquids are natural substances added to fry oil to prevent oil-degrading and extend oil life. Oil is not an inexpensive ingredient, so changing the oil at each batch would be very costly. However, it is possible to lose oil quality even if you filter it carefully. Carbon deposits will pile up in fry pots over time, causing a loss of antioxidants due to heat. Fryer liquids prevent such problems, replacing the lost antioxidants and keeping the oil fresh for longer.

Fryer liquids can also improve the cooking quality and crispiness of the finished products. They reduce oil absorption in fried foods, creating crispier crusts. They often have portion control bottles. For example, Miroil fry liquid comes with a smaller bottle to deliver the right portion. You can use this liquid before each frying session. To improve your frying performance, you may also want to see fryer filter papers and filter powders