Wood & Gas Fired Pizza Ovens

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Commercial Wood & Gas Fired Pizza Ovens For Smoky Texture 

Wood, gas, or coal-fired pizza ovens are deck-type commercial ovens fueled with gas, wood, coal, or a combination of the three. While gas-fired pizza oven models are particularly suitable for indoor use, wood and gas-fired hybrid models can be used indoors and outdoors. These ovens are designed uniquely to perfect the crispness and smokey texture of the baked products. They are suitable for baking, roasting, and grilling. Available in round, rectangular, or wedge shape, these commercial ovens are the best choice for pizzerias and restaurants promising traditional tastes. 

Wood and gas-fired pizza ovens often feature a firebrick cooking floor. Pizzas absorb the heat on the firebrick floor slowly and gain a crispy and smokey texture. The internal cooking chamber of these ovens is usually round. In some models, the cooking floor rotates, while it's static in others. Those with a rotating baking chamber are also known as rotary ovens. The circular motion in wood or coal-fired pizza ovens can cook products more evenly. You have the same options about the oven base since ovens with a mobile base have casters for portability. If you already have an area designated for your pizza oven, you can prefer a stationary base.

Commercial wood and gas-fired ovens offer two location alternatives. Coal-fired or wood-burning ovens are generally for outdoor purposes. Their stainless steel exterior construction provides durability and protection against combustibles. Still, it should be installed somewhere with a sufficient distance from guests. Specific caution should be exerted while installing indoor wood and gas-fired ovens. These cooking appliances can occupy larger floor space than classical pizza deck ovens. You also need to consider the clearance requirements and your facility's ventilation system.

Depending on the size, wood and gas-fired pizza ovens can accommodate several pizzas. For example, an oven with a 55-inch internal cooking chamber can bake 14 twelve-inch pizzas at one cooking cycle. These ovens' traditional look and taste can drive up your foot traffic.


Chef's Deal offers wood-fired, gas-fired, and combined wood-fired with gas-assist commercial pizza ovens from industry leaders Beech Ovens, RositoBisani, Omcan USA, and Univex.